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Why I Started This Online Church


I was raised Baptist and when I got married for the first time, it was in a Catholic church and my daughter went to a Catholic school from kindergarten to the 8th grade.  I have studied the teachings of Buddha.  I've a Bachelor of Arts in History (Ancient Civilizations) from California State University, Northridge (CSUN).  I studied the ancient cultures of Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome.  I also like the mythology of those civilizations including Norse mythology.  Their gods were more human like in the way they behaved than the God of Jews, Christians and Muslims.


All religions and faiths have several things in common and they are Peace and Love.  They are all trying to achieve peace amongst each other and that we should love one another and ourselves.  Yet many of the extreme religious sects of these different religions never teach that part of their religion because they believe deep down inside that isn't possible.  They teach hate and sacrafice of their lives for a better and higher purpose.


Take the Crusades where Christians tried to rid the world of Muslims.  Remember the killing of innocent people in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants.  The teachings of extreme Christains convincing hundreds of people to kill themselves.  The teachings of extreme Muslims to sacrafice lives as human bombs.  They're teaching that Israel and any Christian nation are Satan.  Yet each of these religions and faiths are suppose to teach about love and peace yet they rather be violent or hypocrites.  Many believers who are Christians teach more on giving money plus those on television asking money to support their big overpriced church, home and extreme life style.


I've met many so called Christians that think all agnostics, atheists and non-Christians or believers are going to hell because they don't believe the way they believe.  That is the main reason I started this online church and all are welcome.  All you have to do is believe that one day we can have peace and love one another so our world can be better and safer place to live.


There are Christians who think they are perfect because they have been forgiven for their sins by God.  They looked down on others who do not believe as they do and they let their pride take over.


No one is perfect and many say God and Jesus Christ are perfect yet there are questions of letting so many good people die young and the bad get to live.  The other question arises that all religions are conceived by men and no real hard evidence from the past to prove or disprove except what was written by different men.


This church does not care what your faith or religioin is, Jewish or Muslim, Christian or non-Christian, atheist or agnostic.  It's a church for anyone and everyone who wants to find real love and peace in their life and share it with others.


The Trinity of this church is Love, Peace & Happiness.

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